Our first stop on Saturday morning was at a food bank that was having a rummage sale. Doesn't it look like a junkyard from the outside? Well, it looked just as much like a junkyard once inside, too! There was almost no clothing - extremely rare for a rummage sale - but lots and lots of knicknacks. They had books for cheap, but very little worth buying. I didn't spend much time looking at the other odds and ends as it was all depressingly ugly. My husband picked up a pretty, and very inexpensive, painting of an Italian street scene. That was about all we got out of that one.

Our next stop was in a different section of Saint Malo. It was a surprisingly well-populated street sale. We had fun and the weather was gorgeous, although the kids were whiny. Our first stop was the bakery, to get some sustenance. Yum!

Since this was a Saturday the shops were all open and the atmosphere was festive.

The sausage guy looks kind of bored, though.
I wanted to let you know that I've been lurking on your blog and that I enjoy reading about your finds. I also love Paris!
I'm curious .. how do you find the sales? Do they advertise on the web? or in the newspapers?
Hi there, and thanks! Yes, the sales are advertised online. One of the best sites for this is http://vide-greniers.org/flea-market-france.php, or you can buy a collectors' or antiques magazine at most French newsstands - they usually have a listing of upcoming flea markets. Come on over and we'll visit a flea market together!
It must be a universal thing, my sausage guy always looks bored.
ok - I have no sausage guy. I just wanted to say/type it!
I love feeling like I'm whisked away when I read your blog.
Happy weekend,
Thank you for posting in your blog. I always like seeing what I am missing and am now considering nipping over to France - if only for those cakes!
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